R Vishwanath
Two major expriments in the last few months have made interesting
observations on antimatter ...)
The discovery of a particle with curious properties in August 1932
was probably the first time
piece of antimatter was found in nature A particle detector called
clo ud chamber where an incoming praticle would leave a trail of
drops was being used at that time to record particles. In the
presence of a magnetic field , particles would curve in oppostie
directions depending on their charge . Carl Andersen , a physicist
from Caltech in USA and working with Cosmic Rays found a track in
the cloud chamber which was opposite in direction to the ones caused
by the electron. Anderson called it a positron which seemed to be
very similar to the electron except for the charge.
This particle had been actually anticipated by the scientific
community. In 1897 J J Thomson discovered the electron , a negative
charged particle , a constituent of all matter. In 1928, the great
theorist Paul Dirac purblished the famous Dirac equation which
allowed electrons to have both postive charge and negative energy.
While for sometime he thought that proton could be that particle,
three years later he predicted the particle would be an anti
electron with all qualities same as electron but with a positive
charge. Dirac and Anderson got the Nobel prize for teh predictiona
ndthe discovery in 1933 and 1936 respectively. Thus it was
accepted that all particles should have antiparticles.
In the postulation and discovery of the positron , physicists were
enucniating a fundamental concept that equal amount of matter and
antimater shjould be present in the universe. Dirac had also
postulated that when matter and antimatter combine they would
annhilate each other resulting in the creation of energy which would
present itself in the form of high energy photons like gamma rays..
The energy of one of the first big particle acclerators BEVATRON
was tuned specifically to produce antiprotons. It started
functioning in fall of 1954 and after one year of the experiment and
sifting through nearly 2 million particle events, the group had
detectred 38 particles with same mass as proton but with negative
charge. This reserach also fetched the Nobel Prize for the discovery
of Antiproton. Neutral particles also have anti particles ; for eg
neutron and anti nutron have differing signs for their magnetic
moment. Also just like matter, there has to be antimatter also in
existence. Just as hydrogen atom has a proton in the center and an
electron in the outer ring, anti hydrogen atom would have anti
proton in the center and a positron in the outer ring, The two big
accelator labs - CERN and FRMILAB- produced anti hydrogen atoms for
the first time inthe 1990s. However it is expected to take 100
billion years to manufacture one gram of anti hydrogen !
The preponderance of matter over antimatter has been a mystery of
nature. If these had been in the same propotin the univese as we
know would not have come into existence. Somehere in the intial
stages of the BigBang due to certain processes we have basically an
assymetric universe . In 1967 Adres Sakharaov proposed three
processes which could result in an excess of matter. The most
importnat is the so called CP symmetry violation in decay proceses
which inplies that physical laws must have acted differently for
matter and antimatter. This symmetry violation hs been studied
extenisvely in particle physics. Its first demosntarion in 1964
fetched the Nobel Prize for its discoverers. However there is the
possibility that there are some regions of the unvierse where
antimatter dominates. Thus how much antimatter exists is one of the
fundamental questions of the origin and nature of the Universe.
Another imprtant question is about the possible difference between
matter and antimatter. There have been two ineresting experiments
addressing these questions in the last few months.
First is the AMS (Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer) experiment located
on the International Space Station which looks for primary anti
protons in cosmic rays. Its aim, according to its spokesman Nobel
prize winner Samuel Ting is " to search for phenomena that so
far we have not had the imagination or the technology to disocver"!
The standard picture is that antiprotons are produced in
collisions of cosmic ray protons with nuclei in interstellar maater.
New results from the experiment presented in mid April disagree
with current models of anit proton production. The ratio of
antiprotons to protons has been obtained across a wide energy range
and the experiment finds that this proportion does not decrease at
higher energies as predicted, but stays almost constant . Earlier
the samegroup had found an anomalous result for the proportion of
positrons to electrons, a higher fraction than expected but it could
be undestood invoking conventional physis. The authors beleive that
dark matter could be producing these antiprotons but only more data
can give a better udnestanding of the results.
The second experiment seeks to find possible differences abetween
matter and animatter. While they can differ, for example, in the way
they decay , other fundamental properties, such as the absolute
value of their electric charges and masses, are predicted to be
exactly equal.It is with this aim that an experimetn called BASE1 (
the Baryon Antibaryon Symmetry Experiment ) conducted in CERN
laboratiory in Geneva. started some time ago . The experiment looks
for precise comparison of the charge-to-mass ratio ofhe proton to
that of the antiproton. They published their results two weeks ago
in the prestigious journal Nature. The new result , the result of an
intese 35 day experiment with 13000 measurments, shows no difference
between the proton and the antiproton, They state " We found
that the charge-to-mass ratio is identical to within 69 parts
per thousand billion, supporting a fundamental symmetry between matter and
antimatter" . This is a test of ' New Physics' that goes beyond ' The Standard Model of particle physics ' which gives satisfactory explanations for most of the obsrvations in particle phsyics Any difference –however small — between the charge-to-mass ratio of protons and
antiprotons would break a fundamental symmetry law, a difference that would constitute a dramatic challenge to the basic concepts of particle physics.
per thousand billion, supporting a fundamental symmetry between matter and
antimatter" . This is a test of ' New Physics' that goes beyond ' The Standard Model of particle physics ' which gives satisfactory explanations for most of the obsrvations in particle phsyics Any difference –however small — between the charge-to-mass ratio of protons and
antiprotons would break a fundamental symmetry law, a difference that would constitute a dramatic challenge to the basic concepts of particle physics.
The incominga gamma ray ( a netural particle with no trail) gives out
a pair of particles - an aelectron and a positron . This is a picture
from a particle detector called buble chamber placed in amgnetic
field. Ihe particles lose energy and thus spiral inwards
Hydrogen nd antihydrogen ; proton and antiprotonhave diferent quark
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